Charles Street Upgrade, Perth, WA
Works were recently completed on the upgrade of a busy section of Charles Street in North Perth. These improvements were designed to ease congestion and address safety for motorists and pedestrians. The works were funded by the State Government’s Road Trauma Trust Account.
Project Design Brief
A number of changes were made to improve safety for all road users, including extending right turning lane lengths and widening the existing turning lanes. These changes meant that some areas needed a trench drainage system to ensure surface runoff was collected efficiently.
ACO's Solution
- TraffikDrain TD200 with Hi-Flo grates
- Based on site-specific road catchment hydraulics, ACO’s Technical Services Department provided designers with hydraulic data to confirm both the grates and channels could capture the runoff, whilst restricting gutter flow encroaching onto the carriageway. Advice was also given on the optimum pit spacing
- The large openings of the Hi-Flo grates ensure runoff is immediately captured and directed into the channel system
- Anti-shunt lugs ensure grates remain firmly in place without being dislodged by wheel movements and vehicles braking